Monday 1 February 2016

photoshope is also an important part in photography

How photoshop has change  life in the history,In the past, you had to be very patient as a digital photographer. If you wanted to catch something spectacular you had to carry your camera with you everywhere until you saw something special. To capture a sunrise you had to get up at the crack of dawn. Models had to spend hours in the makeup room and studios had to be well lit. Everything I just mentioned changed instantly with the invention of Photoshop Nowadays, when you look at an amazing photo or image your first impression is still “wow” but your immediate second thought is “that has to be photo-shopped. When you think of the history of Photoshop and everything Photoshop did to change the game, it’s pretty insane.

Photoshop has also changed our image of what the perfect person looks like. With models and celebrities – most notably – we have seen Photoshop go into every magazine cover and spread in modern existence.

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