Monday 1 February 2016

People who passionate about photography 

  • I have lots of things that I am interested in and hobbies if you will that I have picked up over the years: music, both listening and playing guitar, technology, swimming, and of course my family is not a hobby but is something I am passionate about which takes up a lot of my time. Last summer my wife and I were in Helsinki Finland for a conference. Street Photography Quick Links is a compilation of Links, Projects, News, Videos, Events, or anything that is related to street photography or photography in particular that I have personally consumed. Perhaps these might interest you or make you think. If you want to send some links my way, details will be at the bottom of the post below. Now, you really don’t have to struggle in the darkroom to learn the ropes of how to take great photos. That is because the lessons of photography have gone online too. Ten blogs – that’s minuscule compared to the great photography blog sites out there. Just like the art of photography, there is a great variety in the nature of the photography blogs too. realized then that I should get serious about my photography. Much of what I had learned in terms of technique and technology was 30 years old and I frankly had forgotten most of the technique part. I began reading Popular Photography again and, as it happened, one of my close friends and the father of my son’s best friend is an avid photographer as well.

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